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« Juin 2016 »

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Webriche: les veilleurs ne dorment jamais...

Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).

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Mardi 21 Juin 2016 (3)

1: sdFilterMe: Order and filter <ul> list

unheap (Jquery)

This jQuery plugin allows you to display a list as a set of boxes that can be ordered and filtered as desired. Features – filtering and sorting options available – supports unlimited number of elements – animation and CSS customizable – boxes are href-able   Illustration by akselkreis The post sdFilterMe: Order and filter <ul> list appeared first on Unheap.

2: Making progressive web apps even better: ambient badging and 'pop into browser'

Opera Dev. (Internet)

We're excited to release a Labs build of Opera for Android with support for two experimental features that enhance the discoverability and use of progressive web apps. Ambient badging Earlier this month, Alex Russell wrote: Wouldn't it be great if there were a button in the URL bar that appeared whenever you landed on a PWA that you could always tap to save it to your homescreen' We have b [...]

3: Realtime Form Validation

Bits of Code ()

Last week, I went over some Techniques for Form Validation, including using CSS for visual feedback as well as the Constraint Validation API. I also discussed the benefits of validating inputs in realtime, and so this week I built out this simple registration form, demonstrating realtime validation. View Live Demo There are three key features of this form - The requirements for each input are cl [...]

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Pour toutes questions, merci de contacter Richard Carlier.


Ceci est un site qui explore certains mécanismes du Web 2.0, histoire de jouer avec tout ça...
Oui, une sorte de mashup 2.0 appliqué à la veille informationnelle... Hum, rien de neuf ?

Expérimental, c'est un site collaboratif à usage d'une seule personne. Ou presque.

Richard Carlier

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toujours des mots...

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